February 5 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Oro Valley Sanctuary, Five Weekly Sessions
You and I, sooner or later, are going to experience what comes to all people: we are going to experience dying. But there is a difference between us and the world. The world looks away from that fact and tries to hide it as much as possible, but we, as people of faith, have the power and ability to look death straight in the eye and understand it. ~Walter Wangerin, Jr.
Throughout our lives we are confronted with death. We lose loved ones, friends, and colleagues and with each confrontation we experience grief, pain, and confusion. We also come face to face with our own mortality. How, as Christians, do we deal with the physical, emotional, practical, and spiritual realities of death and dying?
Join us to explore this important topic, facilitated by Pastor Carol, in five weekly sessions beginning Wednesday, January 29th from 10:00-11:30 AM in the Sanctuary of our Oro Valley campus. Sessions include Aging & Dying in Our Culture, Approaching Death in the Faith of Jesus Christ, Family Conversations & Advanced Directives, Palliative Care and Hospice, Final Arrangements (funeral, estate planning), Helping Adults, Teens, and Children Deal with Grief.