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Serving with Hearts of Hospitality

January 23, 2025 @ 9:30 am 3:00 pm

Resurrection “feels like home” is something we hear often. Home is a place where you are welcomed and known. Through ministries like Holy Grounds, Kitchen Angels, Ushers, and Roving Friendlies, we are able to welcome people and care for them. And we are looking for more people to help us vision where we are growing to. If welcoming people and helping them be known is something you are interested in, then please join Kristina Randolph for a special training on the Art of Hospitality.

We will meet on campus from 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM to learn from Church of the Resurrection on Kansas through Zoom. In this event, you’ll learn the principles and best practices of exceptional hospitality that are applicable to churches of all sizes, and receive practical tips and tools you can use in your church right away.

For more information contact Kristina Randolph.