RLC Card Players meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. No reservation necessary. Please bring a snack to share and your own beverage. We play a variety of card games and we're happy to teach you if you don't know how to play. Everyone is welcome.
Join Lisa Higginbotham to learn how you can give a monetary gift to RLC or a charity of your choice and save on taxes. More information in the September Vision.Zoom Link: https://elcafoundation.zoom.us/j/86790962119?pwd=R2VsRHNzUXpvdThndENzZkVOai8zQT09
This support group provides encouragement from meeting with others who have Parkinson’s disease, and for the care givers of those with Parkinson's. The meetings provide an opportunity to discuss experiences and feelings and to share solutions to common problems. Meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month in the High School Youth Room.
Join Lisa Higginbotham to learn how you can give a monetary gift to RLC or a charity of your choice and save on taxes. More information in the September Vision.Zoom Link: https://elcafoundation.zoom.us/j/86790962119?pwd=R2VsRHNzUXpvdThndENzZkVOai8zQT09
Join us for a walk through the Center for Creative Photography on the U of A campus. Admission is free, donations accepted. RSVP to Hope Guevara at [email protected] by September 19th. More information in the September Vision.
RLC Card Players meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. No reservation necessary. Please bring a snack to share and your own beverage. We play a variety of card games and we're happy to teach you if you don't know how to play. Everyone is welcome.
Join us for our third annual Chipotle fundraiser. Simply stop by at 10604 N Oracle Rd #101, Oro Valley, to order dinner and mention that you are with Resurrection's Child Development Center, or if ordering online use code: DCW7T4T.RLCDC then gets 25% of all proceeds from this evening. Thanks for your support!
This group meets monthly, October through May on the first Saturday of the month, for breakfast, socializing and learning. There is always a guest speaker. Catered breakfast is included with the $10 cost of admission.This months speaker will be announced closer to the event date. Click Here to RSVP