Middle School Ministry

Middle School Ministry

(6th-8th Grade)

At Resurrection Lutheran Church, our Middle School Ministry is rooted in scripture, service worship, and fellowship, to help foster a transformational relationship between youth and Jesus Christ. We live into this through two specific ministries. Confirmation and Youth Nights.



What is it we will be learning?

Through the talent and religious education background of the leadership they are creating a 3 year cycle curriculum that will be relevant, faithful, challenging and current to the needs of the youth. In the course of 3 years we will cover the Old and New Testaments, The Small Catechism, Lutheran Theology and how we integrate our faith into our daily lives.  

Youth also will be receiving a Bible when Confirmation begins.  Everyone   receiving the same Bible will help us as we work through the material.  It is expected that youth will bring this Bible every week to class.


How will we be learning?

We will be engaging in a variety of facets for learning and growing.  We know that faith is formed through personal, trusted relationships that are usually found in the home and that faith is caught more than it is taught.  In order to create space for those relationships and to catch the faith we need to take away distractions, spend quality time together, and connect people together.  On Sunday Mornings the program will be in the Outreach Building and will follow the schedule below.


Confirmation Extravaganza 

1st Sunday of the month 9:15 - 1:30 PM

During these hours youth will worship together, share a meal, play together, have time for learning taught by the Pastoral and Youth Ministry Teams and spend time building lasting relationships with one another in small groups. 


Mentor Sunday

2nd Sunday of the month 10:45 - 11:45 AM

Youth will be paired up with adults from the congregation enjoying a devotional that is prepared for them focusing on them getting to know each other and sharing their faith with one another.  Parents cannot be the mentor for their youth, but can be for another youth.


Buddy Sunday

3rd Sunday of the month 10:45 - 11:45 AM

Once a month youth will have the oppertunitiy to be a mentor for our Sunday School kids. On this day we will gather at the CDC, and be paried one on one with a Sunday School student to walk through the lesson with them. 

Upcoming Confirmation Dates

Confirmation is taking a brak for the summer, we will resume again come August!

Youth Adventures

Also a part of our Middle School Ministries are our Youth Adventures. These events include all night events here at church and out on the town, service days, and other events like Axe Throwing. In order to participate in any of our Youth Nights we need a current Youth Ministry Form or Confirmation Registration form filled out, click the button below. And families to RSVP to the specific youth night so we can get a head count. Check out the monthly event below!

For more information about our Middle School Ministry, please contact Interim Youth Director Josh Carlson-Kroschel at jcarlson@orovalley.org